Temporary storage of game in the field

Sometimes in the process of hunting, it is not possible to immediately take out the meat of the extracted animal from the land due to distance, lack of roads, bad weather, etc.

If the game is caught in the cold season, then you can take advantage of the natural cold. In the warm season it is impossible, in this case salt is used to preserve the products. In the case of its absence, the following methods are used.

Use of permafrost

In the regions of permafrost, a “glacier” is arranged for storage. For its device hollow out a hole, on its bottom put poles, branches, leaves. Pieces of meat are piled on the litter made so that they do not come in contact with each other. From above all cover with a thick layer of branches. The poles and branches are desirable to use hardwoods. In such a store meat can be stored for 3 to 4 days.

Storage in the mountains

In the mountainous area, where ice and snow are present, the procedure is as follows: on the ice, the area is cleared, slightly deepening into the ice, then curbs along the perimeter are made from the snow. On the inclined side, a groove for water drainage is arranged. In the groove is made a deck of branches, they also cover the laid pieces of meat. The products are stored for 3 to 5 days.

Using cold water

To equip the storage, cold running water is needed. We choose a sufficiently deep place, clear the bottom of foreign objects. Then we make flooring from poles or branches. Meat is laid on the deck in such a way that it is completely submerged under water. From above meat is pressed with poles. At a water temperature of + 3-4 degrees. With meat stored up to 7 days. It is worth noting that the meat taken out of the water very quickly spoils.


If you can not use the above methods, you can apply drying. During the drying process, the meat is dehydrated and acquires a surface crust that allows meat to last longer.

We choose or arrange an artificially shaded place, well blown by the wind. We hang the pieces of meat in a draft. On the ground rake the litter and do the flooring. Pieces with a well-dried surface are laid out on the flooring so that they do not come into contact. To repel insects we use smoke from a number of diluted campfires. The products are stored two to three days.

Use of herbs

This method is applicable for game birds. Most of the birds are harvested in the warm season, in this connection, it easily spoils in a few hours. To avoid this, it is necessary for a bird to remove the insides – cut through the abdomen carcass or using a hook. For the latter option it will be necessary to make a hook from a wire or a cut branch with a knot at the end. Through the anus, we insert it and, turning, we take out the insides.

Further into the abdominal cavity it is necessary to put the branches of juniper or nettle, they have antiseptic properties. Gutted and prepared in such a way game can be stored about a day.

What spoils faster

Most swampy swamp game – a coot and a water chicken. Properly not processed, the carcasses of these birds on a hot day spoil for 1-1,5 hours. Approximately the same situation with ducks and toadstools, mallard ducks and chirks will “live” until three o’clock, the most “hardy” carcasses of the birds of the order of chickens are the gray partridge, black grouse and capercaillie.

The mistake of many hunters is that they stack the carcasses of freshly shot birds immediately in a bag or in a backpack. To keep the game fresh, it is better to use waist straps or a special net for game – in this case it is cooled, blown by the wind.

How to properly preserve foods for a long time can be read in the article “Preserve game meat”.

Source: www.grossoxota.ru

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