Temporary storage of game in the field

Sometimes in the process of hunting, it is not possible to immediately take out the meat of the extracted animal from the land due to distance, lack of roads, bad weather, etc. ... >>>>>>

Causes of miss when shooting with a gun

Often, people with good eyesight do not have success in hunting, and they blame it often … a shop in which they bought a gun, a gun, a dog, or satellites for hunting, although, in fact, it’s not them. ... >>>>>>

Ocular measurement of distance

Modern shotguns, intended for use for hunting hunting, as a rule, reliably hit the target at a distance of not more than 50 meters. However, you can not shoot them at a distance closer than 20 meters, even from barrels ... >>>>>>

Selecting a sleeping bag

Hunting involves not only locomotion, but also an overnight stay, which averages up to 35% of your total time spent in the forest during the hunt. And, do you know that on how well you relax – will depend on ... >>>>>>

Duck calls


Hunting for ducks is loved by both experienced hunters and beginners because of its minimal cost, both material and labor-intensive: you can quite easily get a trophy. Ducks can be hunted in different ways at different times of the year. ... >>>>>>

Hunting with decoys. Common mistakes


It’s no secret that some hunters get ducks and geese more than others. Success depends not only on luck, but is a logical result, in which particular attention is paid to small details and details, with which experience is gained ... >>>>>>

Sound disguise on the hunt


On the hunt, in addition to visual (visual) disguise, the nature of the cover under the feet (moss, grass, snow, etc.) is equally important, which either muffles the steps of the hunter, or gives out its noise. ... >>>>>>

Штрафы и наказания за браконьерство в России


Охотник обязан бережно относиться ко всем природным ресурсам, охранять животных и среду их обитания. Такая норма записана в Конституции Российской Федерации в ст. 58. ... >>>>>>

Walkie-talkies for hunting. Descriptions and ratings


Since hunting is a purely masculine occupation, the ammunition should also be chosen sufficiently serious. For hunting are chosen most often those deaf places that are far from people. It is there that there is an opportunity to give oneself ... >>>>>>

Снегоходы для охоты. Как выбрать


На современной охоте снегоходы применяют либо для транспортировки охотников и снаряжения, либо в процессе самой охоты. К транспортному снегоходу требования менее жесткие: задачу добраться до охотничьего участка способна выполнить машина с достаточной мощностью и тягловитостью. ... >>>>>>